Jam Jam Revolution

Rhythm game entry to GBJAM 5

What Is Jam Jam Revolution?

Jam Jam Revolution (JJR) is a rhythm game based on one of my favorite childhood games called Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). Just like the game it’s based on, JJR is a simple game in which you listen to music and hit the buttons corresponding to the sprites on screen. The better you time your button presses the higher score you get!

If you’re interested in playing, the game is available on itch.io here!


A game of Jam Jam Revolution in action!


After a song finishes playing, players are presented with their final score.

What Is GBJAM 5?

GBJAM is a game jam in which the goal is to create a game in around a week with only four colors. The GB in GBJAM is short for Game Boy and, much like the original Game Boy, participants must use a very limited color pallete.

In the spirit of the greenish tint of the Game Boy, I designed Jam Jam Revolution to only use green colors.


The main menu to JJR. Look at all that green!

How Was It Made?

Perhaps the most difficult part of making this game was that it used an engine I cooked up myself instead of something premade like Unity. I had just finished the entirety of the book Beginning Game Programming Fourth Edition by Jonathan S. Harbour in which I learned to make games from scratch with C++ and DirectX. With this new found knowledge, I decided to test my skills by entering GBJAM 5.

Altogether, I utilized the following:

  • C++
  • DirectX
  • Win32 API
  • Visual Studio
  • Audacity
  • Pyxel Edit

The engine itself is comprised of C++ code, DirectX for graphics, and the Win32 API for displaying windows and the like. In addition to writing all the code, I also did all the art with my favorite pixel art program Pyxel Edit. Music was edited with Audacity and originally made and given to me by my good friend Trey (who unfortunately does not have a website or social media I can link to).