Interpolation Indexed Draws and Projections

Created Sunday 07 June 2020


Notice that we only defined the colors of the vertices! The blending inbetween we did not define! The fragment shader interpolates this for us.

Indexed Draws


Projections: Coordinate Systems

Projections: Continued

Projections: Orthographic

Once again, notice how our frustum consists of 4 parallel lines that make up a sort of rectangular shape. This prevents us from having any real depth to the scene. Despite moving towards and away the green-ish cube, it won't appear to get any larger or smaller. It will appear at a single consistent size. Hence why game engines such as Unity make use of an orthographic camera for making 2D games. Such games are still taking place in 3D space but we can't really see the z-axis due to this orthographic projeciton.

Projections: Perspective

Projections Comparison

The above image shows a visual comparison between the two styles of projection.

Projections with GLM and OpenGL
